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Group Sessions


SENDsenses specialises in providing outdoor sensory sessions, catering specifically to children with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) as well as those with social, emotional, and mental health challenges (SEMH), however a diagnosis is not required. Our aim is to improve mental health and overall well-being through nature connection, sensory play, specialised yoga, mindfulness practices, arts and crafts activities, and social interaction. By creating a safe and nurturing environment, we offer a unique experience where children can learn, grow, have fun, and develop social skills. Furthermore, our sessions provide respite for families and communities, helping to foster connections, and promote a safe environment for everyone to thrive.


Holiday Sessions

During the half-terms and holidays we provide family and drop off sessions that include child-led sensory play, nature connection, scavenger hunts, art and mindful movement. This is a space for the whole family so parents are expected to stay and siblings welcome. 

We offer 10 spaces for each group.


Access Nature

A weekly slot of open access to the orchard. A safe and understanding space for children with SEND and their families to enjoy nature. There is no structure or guidance for this session it is purely to enjoy the space without the fear of judgement. It is available for the whole family to attend and we hold 10 spaces for this. 


Early Explorers

A weekly group for 1-4 year olds to explore through nature and sensory play. The sessions support physical, emotional and cognitive development. 

We hold spaces for 10 children to keep the sessions intimate and parents/carers are expected to stay. 


Orchard Club

A weekly group for children who are out of education / home educated. A time to connect with peers, nature and themselves. Join us for gardening, building, outdoor skills, art, mindfulness and nature connection. This is an optional drop off service for children aged 8-16. Children dropped off should have a level of independence otherwise an adult/carer is expected to stay. 


After School Club

A weekly opportunity for children with SEND to find fun, connection and regulation as they transition from school into their evening. Join us for mindfulness, nature connection, art and free play.

Open to ages 4-16, please enquire about drop-off.

If your child requires 1:1 attention then we can cater to this with 1:1 sessions... click here

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Why do we work outdoors?

Working outdoors offers a multitude of benefits that contribute to the overall growth and well-being of children. The outdoor environment provides a sense of freedom and allows for physical activity, while the calming presence of trees and nature promotes relaxation. Being in nature can also stimulate creativity and imagination. Sensory play with elements such as mud, water, and sand further enhances the sensory experience. Additionally, the ever-changing weather adds another dimension to the sensory exploration. While hazards may exist outdoors, they provide valuable learning opportunities for children to identify risks, make mistakes, and learn from them, fostering a sense of resilience and self-awareness.

What is a sensory walk?

A sensory walk is a mindful walking experience that engages all of the senses. During a sensory walk, participants focus on observing and exploring their surroundings using their sight, hearing, smell, touch, and even taste. This can involve paying attention to details such as the patterns of tree bark and leaves, the sounds of birds and rustling leaves, the scent of flowers or herbs, the texture of tree trunks, and even the taste of a freshly picked fruit. By immersing oneself in the sensory stimuli of nature, a sensory walk enhances sensory awareness and promotes mindfulness and connection with the environment.

Why do we incorporate barefoot trails?

Incorporating barefoot trails in outdoor activities serves several purposes. Firstly, it aids in improving balance and posture by engaging the foot muscles that are usually supported by shoes. Walking barefoot also brings about a heightened sense of presence and mindfulness as it requires increased attention to the sensations felt through the feet. The soles of the feet are sensitive due to the multitude of nerve endings they contain, making them an ideal area for sensory stimulation. By offering various textures and surfaces to walk over, barefoot trails create a rich sensory experience that enhances overall sensory perception and tactile awareness.

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